Hi, Hello and G'day to everyone, hope the last few weeks have been kind to you and you have had plenty of time for crafting.
Thanks for the wonderful entries in our last challenge, we don't always get time to comment at different times throughout the year, but everyone is included in the winners drawing and choosing the top 3.
the winners from Random Draw:
the winner of the Fred She Said $10 voucher is:
the winner of 2 images from All Dressed Up is:

To claim your prize
Please send an email to craftersccb@cheerful.com
Put "Crafter's Cafe Challenge Winner in the subject line
Tell us which images you would like and we will advise the sponsor.
Don't forget to take the winners badge from the right hand side bar.

Congratulations, please take your Top 3 badge from the side bar.
Onto this Month's challenge
The theme is
A big thank you to our wonderful sponsors:
Prize: 2 images
Check out all the fun inspiration from the team.
coming soon
Team members creating with My Besties
Team members creating with My Besties
coming soon
Now it is your turn to show us you humorous creations.